Gabriel rp 1 part 4 Text

Song: Check my brain by Alice in Chains

Location: Rumpke's house

Time: 5:45 p.m.

The scene opens up to me sitting on my couch. There a a few empty fifth bottles laying around on my coffee table because quite honestly, I really don't care to pick them up. I am filth and I deserve nothing more. I have been home for a few hours now. I'm a little trashed and my head is racing. In the corner of my eye I see a man standing to the right of me. He is talking to me. Telling me how I was a sucker. He rubs it in my face that I wanted to embrace Steele when all Steele wanted to do was deceive me. This man calls me a fool. He is constantly making fun of me but when I turn to respond to him, he's gone, just like that but out of the corner of my other eye I see a taller man. He is laughing at me. He tell's me I'm a retard, a joke and that its only a matter of time before I choke. My blood boils and my body begins to shake. And then I turn in his direction but once again he vanishes. I feel like I'm chasing shadows here . I wish they would leave me alone..

I grab the full bottle of liquor on the table. The cap is already off so I take a long drink. I have to wash them away. I don't want them here. I want to be by myself. I want to boil in my cauldron of hatred all alone..

Although it doesn't matter what I want, every time I turn my head in their direction, they disappear only to reappear in a different spot. I can not see their face but I hear their voice and I see their silhouette in the corner of my eye which tells me that they must be here. After all, seeing is believing right? Another one begins talking to me. He too mocks me telling me that I am nothing. Reminding me of the fact that I relied on Steele to prop me up. Over and over he chants “weak.. weak.. weak” in a subtle voice almost like a whisper. I quickly grab an empty bottle and throw it at the man but he too is gone and the bottle shatters on the wall.. They must be scared. Or they might be playing with my head. I wish that I could make them stop but I can't seem to get through to them. Maybe, just maybe I can drink them away. I might be able to drink enough to make me oblivious to them.

I kill the last bottle of booze that I previously drank from. I can feel my head slightly twitch momentarily. And then, I stand up. I look around while my mind struggles to keep up. “I know I was going to do something. I needed to find something. What was it?” Is the thought that goes through my mind. I stand there and think about it for a minute and just when I lost all hope of regaining my thoughts is when I finally remembered. I needed more “Personality”.

Ah, personality, damn if that isn't something I lack right now. I put one foot in front of the other and walk into the kitchen. I see the cupboard and anxiously make my way to it. Eagerly I reach out, and open the door to see one bottle left. I can't help but to feel disappointment. I hoped I would have had more than that. I thought there were more than that but maybe I drank an extra one and forgot.. Regardless though, I grab the bottle and walk back into the living room when the phone rings. I walk up to the phone to see Rumples number. I answer it.

Rumpke: Hello?

Rumples: Hey man, How are you doing?

Rumpke: I'm here, that's about it man, whats up?

Rumples : Not much man, just sitting here smoking. What are you up to?

Rumpke: Drinking my last bottle of booze.

Rumples: Are you quitting?

Rumpke: Nah, I'm just out of stock at the moment..

Rumples: You of all people ran out of booze? I've got a couple bottles of Jack and some pot. I'll be over in a bit if that's ok?

Rumpke: Yeah, I must of miss counted what I have left. Apparently I can't count.. And yeah, that's fine man. I'll be here but as always I'm not all there.

* The scene fades to black.